Letters to Lee

This site is dedicated to celebrating Dr. Lee F. Braithwaite upon his retirement after more than 40 years of service at BYU.

Dr. Braithwaite mentored many graduate students and had a positive impact on literally 1000s of students during his career.

You are invited to submit a congratulatory note, a story, an experience you had with LFB, pictures, or anything that lets Dr. B know that what he did mattered to you. Your submissions can be serious, humorous, whatever, but I know that he would love to see something from you.

The restrictions of this site do not allow open postings, so if you have something to share, please send them to me at holyoaka@byui.edu and I will post them for you.

Please include the following information with each submission: Your name, where and when you interacted with LFB, where you are now, and what you are currently doing.

I look forward to receiving and posting your notes, comments, memories, photos, etc.., and to seeing the number of postings on this site grow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Thank you for a wonderful education" (Alan Valentine, FHL '85)

Dr. Braithwaite,

I  went to Friday Harbor with you in 1983, and took Zoology 202 the semester before.  I loved the Friday Harbor excursion and gained a wealth of knowledge and experience there.  I thought your lectures were really interesting and your artwork was just amazing.  I remember once when you told of a mysterious thief who had been stealing your fishes from a tank.  After losing several expensive specimens without a trace, you told how you brought a sleeping bag to the lab and waited for the culprit to appear only to witness your octopus climb from an adjoining tank into the fish tank and back after enjoying an expensive fishy meal.  I have been teaching middle school science for 26 years and, more recently, Oceanography 101 at the local junior college.  I continue to share the octopus story with both my middle school and college students.  

Thank you for a wonderful education.  

(Alan Valentine earned a BS [Zoology '85] and went on to earn an MA in  Environmental Education in 1992 from CSU San Bernardino.  He now teaches Middle School in California.)

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