Letters to Lee

This site is dedicated to celebrating Dr. Lee F. Braithwaite upon his retirement after more than 40 years of service at BYU.

Dr. Braithwaite mentored many graduate students and had a positive impact on literally 1000s of students during his career.

You are invited to submit a congratulatory note, a story, an experience you had with LFB, pictures, or anything that lets Dr. B know that what he did mattered to you. Your submissions can be serious, humorous, whatever, but I know that he would love to see something from you.

The restrictions of this site do not allow open postings, so if you have something to share, please send them to me at holyoaka@byui.edu and I will post them for you.

Please include the following information with each submission: Your name, where and when you interacted with LFB, where you are now, and what you are currently doing.

I look forward to receiving and posting your notes, comments, memories, photos, etc.., and to seeing the number of postings on this site grow.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Like Herding Cats, Only In 3D (Garth Slater, FHL)

Dear Dr. B,

It’s been many years since we rubbed shoulders at consecutive springs at Friday Harbor Labs.

I realized my dream to study marine Biology and then my 1st year I fell in love with tide pools. Over the next couple springs I scuba dove with my brother David doing research.

The funniest experience I think was when one of the “diving” students thought it was a great idea to capture fish by stringing a large “gill” net across an opening and several sets of divers “herding” the fish in to the net. When this was presented to you (hey it wasn’t my idea), you gave that all too familiar frown which said “This will never work but try if you will.” Well, you have heard the phrase “herding cats”, this was like that but 3 dimensional. Needless to say, all we gained from that was hypothermia and a knowledge to pay more attention to Dr. B’s expressions.

My experiences in class and in marine labs really helped me prepare for life. I have a successful career, a marriage of 27 years, and service opportunities in the church. I attribute this to your mentoring, friendship, leadership and yes even discipline. Thank you.

Warm Regards,

Garth Slater

(Garth Slater participated in two Spring marine biology trips to the Friday Harbor Labs in the mid 1980s, and is now a Procurement Advisor at SVB Financial Group in Salt Lake City, Utah)

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